BOOK NOW – Michigan District Fall Gathering November 15-16

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About the Michigan District of Optimist International

MI Roundrel

This is why we exist:

The purpose of the Michigan District is to function as an administrative division of Optimist International in furtherance of the purposes of Optimist International Bylaws and Policies as established by the International Board of Directors. The Michigan District shall provide service and support to the Clubs for the purpose of enhancing growth, participation, administration and youth service.

Our Mission

To be the premier provider of support and leadership to Michigan Optimist Clubs through strategic relationships, education, mentoring, resources, marketing and effective and timely communication.

Value Proposition Statement

As a part of Optimist International, a worldwide volunteer organization made up of thousands of Optimist Clubs, our Members work each day to make the future brighter by bringing out the best in children, in their communities, and in themselves.

Core Values

We consider these our few essential tenets.

  • Optimism
  • Leadership
  • Hope
  • Support
  • Achievement

Governor Michigan District

sean mueller
Sean Mueller, Governor
Michigan District Optimist

Greetings Fellow Optimists

Welcome to the Michigan District Optimists website!

My name is Sean Mueller, and I am thrilled to extend a warm welcome to you. Having spent 17 rewarding years as an Optimist and holding the honor of being the youngest governor in our district’s history, I am passionate about the incredible work we can achieve together.

In Optimist International and in the “Mighty” Michigan District, we believe in Bringing Out the Best in YOUTH, our COMMUNITIES, and OURSELVES. It is not just a motto; it is our mission. By fostering a supportive environment, we empower young people to shine and inspire those around them. Together, we can strengthen our communities and enhance our personal growth.

I invite you to explore our site, get involved, and join us in making a lasting difference. Here, you’ll find valuable resources for our current members, as well as a club locator to help new members discover a club in their area. Let’s advocate for positivity and hope, creating brighter futures for everyone!

As always, Stay Optimistic!
Sean Mueller

Vice President Northeast & Great Lakes Region

cheryl bolton
Cheryl Bolton
Vice President
Northeast & Great Lakes Region
Dear Optimists of the Mighty Michigan District:

It is my great pleasure to be the International Vice President for the Northeast & Great Lakes Region for the 2024/25 Optimist year. I look forward to working with you and meeting you all this year. If you have any questions, concerns, or celebrations, please reach out to me.

Below is a little bit about me in case you’re curious:

I have been a dedicated and accomplished member of the Optimist community for the past 26 years, serving in multiple leadership roles that reflect my passion for youth development and community service. As a member of the Kerwood-Adelaide-Metcalfe Optimist Club, I have been a driving force in promoting the values and mission of Optimist International.

I was a Past Centennial Distinguished Governor of Southwestern Ontario, Past District JOOI Chair, and Past District Foundation Representative, among other positions in my district, including Leadership Development Chair. I have also served as Chaplain for almost 20 years. Additionally, I have served on the International Scholarship Committee, focusing on providing educational opportunities to deserving youth, and have been actively involved in International Development efforts, promoting the Optimist cause on a global scale.

As an International Club Fitness Advisor, I helped ensure the health and vitality of Optimist clubs, offering strength and sustainability to them. My dedication, leadership, and unwavering commitment make me proud to be part of the Optimist community, both locally and internationally.

Cheryl Bolton
Northeast & Great Lakes Region

President Optimist International

jan oord-graves
Jan Oord-Graves, President
Optimist International
Dear Michigan District Optimists,

I love being an Optimist! In fact, it’s why I joined! I wanted to be a part of this wonderful group who hold positivity, hope and optimism at the center of everything they do.

I’d like all of us to shine a spotlight on why we are Optimists; hope, positivity, optimism. After all, isn’t this what many people are looking for.

Together, we are Optimist International. We all bear responsibility to work together to bring our organization into a healthy state. Together, let’s get this wonderfully complex organization of ours moving in the right direction and continue that upward trajectory together far into the future.

As Babe Ruth said, “The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.”

If we plan in silos and do not align our goals, we will have scattered and intermittent episodes of success. I am asking that all clubs and districts align their goals with the Optimist International goals for 2024 – 2025. There will be three focus areas: Membership – retention and growth, Communication – internal and external and financial health.

  • In the area of membership, our goal is for Optimist International to be at a net plus 5% on September 30, 2025. Strategies will focus on retention, through member engagement and growth through our regional growth committees.
  • In the area of Marketing, I want people to think of Optimist International Clubs first when they hear the word Optimism. This goal would be measured though a 5% increase in opened external social media posts.
  • Internally, we will continue to reach out to clubs to update their club rosters. We will also continue to refine our member publications. This goal will be measured by an increase of 5% in opened member communications.
  • We have stabilized our finances at the Optimist International level. We need to maintain positive financial stability through dues being paid on time and looking for additional resources and strategies to financially support our organization.

I am honored to serve as your President for the 2024-25 Optimist year. Governor Sean and his team have plans in place for a successful 2024-25! I will stand together with the Michigan District Optimists to “Bring out the Best!” I look forward to working together, all of us, to bring out the best in our youth our communities and ourselves.

Yours in Optimism,

Jan Oord Graves, President 2024-2025
Optimist International

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

The Michigan District is interested in hearing from you. Whether you’re a parent of a student, a teacher, a youth volunteer or even an Optimist looking for more information, please use the form below and someone from the Michigan District Optimists will contact you. Be as concise as possible in the Message area.

Send Us a Note

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.