Friend of Youth
Michigan Optimist News
Register for Q2 2023-24 Conference
You are invited to join the Mighty Michigan Optimists at our Quarter 2 Conference where you will participate in fun activities, engage with Optimists from...
OptiViews 2023-24 Q2 is Available
I wish each of you all the best as we begin 2024. May you find your passion in service to youth and community and may your spirit be filled with hope and the belief in a positive future.
4 Ways to Distribute Content on Social Media
Looking to maximize your social media presence? In this blog article, we will delve into the four methods to distribute content on social media. Whether...
OptiViews 2023-24 Q1 is Available
I am honored to be the Governor of the mighty Michigan District; the second largest district in Optimist International. By...
OptiViews 2022-23 Q4 is Available
Hello Michigan District! The district convention in Lansing was a great time of learning, celebration, fun and fellowship....
Unveiling the 3 W’s of a Website: Your Club’s Gateway to the Digital Realm
Unveiling the 3 W's of a Website: Your Club's Gateway to the Digital RealmHave you ever questioned the meaning behind the "www" in website addresses? Contrary...
Announcement: Opening of Bids for Website Enhancements Project
Michigan District Optimists invites proposals from qualified vendors for the development and implementation of website enhancements. The Michigan District...
OptiViews 2022-23 Q3 is Available
Happy day to all of you Michigan District Optimists! If you attended the Q3 conference at Schoolcraft College in Livonia,...
Proposed District Policy Changes 2022-2023
The 2022-2023 District Governance Committee is comprised of the following members: Past District Governor Dan Mills Linda Ingersoll Theresa Mills Paul...
2022-23 Essay Contest Winner
1st place, and a $2,500 scholarship:Brooke Lewis, age 16 from Zealand High SchoolHolland Optimist Club "Who is an Everyday Hero that Brings Out the...
2023 Berry Kauffold Scholarship Winners
The Berry & Kauffold Music Scholarship was designed to help students continue their musical pursuit in High School …
Should Clubs Use a Website or a Facebook Page
This is a very common question for club leaders to ask. Online marketing is a very confusing topic for many, so the answer isn’t as easy as blurting out one...