Junior Golf
The Optimist Junior Golf Program is an exciting and unique junior golf program for ages 10-18.
Two special awards recognizing the academic and community service accomplishments of five junior golfers. Golfers can apply for one or both awards. Golfers selected receive an exemption into the 2025 Optimist Championship, tournament entry which includes golf, hotel accommodations and meals plus a $1,000.00 scholarship.
Michigan Optimist
District Junior Golf Tournament
June 16-17, 2025
Forest Akers East Golf Club
2231 S Harrison Rd
East Lansing, MI 48823
Sponsored by: Top 50 Junior Tour Golf
*Advance Registration is Required
Click the button below and be sure to include your name and the best phone number for us to contact you.

District Qualifying Criteria and Policies
Scoring Requirement
In order to qualify for the international championships, golfers must meet the requirements as follows:
Golfers must qualify for one of the designated spot(s) granted to a specific District qualifying tournament plus shoot at or below the target score as indicated below. The number of qualifying spots in each age division varies by District. Please contact Michigan District Junior Golf Chair at juniorgolf@michiganoptimists.org for details.
The target scores by age division are listed below. All scores are in relation to par and are for 18-hole tournaments. For multiple-round tournaments, the amount over par increases accordingly.
District Qualifying Spots
Each District is granted a set number of qualifying spots in each age division. This represents the number of golfers in each age division that will be eligible to advance to the Optimist International Junior Golf Championships via the District qualifying tournament (provided the golfer meets the established scoring requirement).
A tiebreaker will be used to determine the District winners, ties for the last qualifying spot, and ties for alternate spots. District Chairs are responsible for determining the tiebreaking method used.
Out-of-District Golfers
If golfers from other Districts participate in a qualifying tournament, their participation will not eliminate any District residents from qualifying. If an out-of-District golfer qualifies for one of the designated spots, he/she is eligible to attend the international championships in addition to the next-highest golfer who lives within the District boundaries.
Alternates will be admitted to the Optimist International Junior Golf Championships if a golfer who qualifies for one of a District’s designated spots decides not to attend. Alternates have the same registration deadline date. Please check with your District Chair.
Official District Tournament
A District qualifier will not be considered official unless all golfers in an age division complete a minimum of nine holes, in which case the tournament would revert back to the last hole completed by the entire age division. In the case of a District qualifier that is cancelled with no make-up date, golfers in said District will be eligible to submit an “at large” application directly to Optimist International. In this situation, the number of accepted “at large” applicants in each division will be equal to the number of qualifying spots granted for the District.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Whether you’re a parent of a student, a teacher, a youth volunteer or even an Optimist looking for more information, please use the form below and someone from the Michigan District Optimists Junior Golf Committee will contact you. Be as concise as possible in the Message area.