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Make Valuable Changes with Bylaws Proposals

by | Mar 20, 2025 | International

Please take time to evaluate the Optimist International Bylaws to ensure they continue to effectively serve the organization. This process allows you and your Club to shape and improve all of Optimist International.

To recommend a revision, your Club must submit a proposed amendment citing the article(s) and section(s) and exact proposed change to the articles and sections cited, along with a written rationale in 200 words or fewer. The Club must submit the proposal on Club letterhead signed by the Club President. The proposal may be emailed to the International Office at executiveoffice@optimist.org, but the original Club letter must be received by the International Office for the proposal to be considered.

All submitted changes will be brought before the International Convention delegates for a vote.

All proposed change submissions to the Bylaws must be received at the International Office by 5:00 p.m. (CT) Wednesday, April 2, 2025 (no exceptions). Please submit to: Governance Committee, Optimist International, 4494 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108 or email to executiveoffice@optimist.org.


Optimist Clubs Speak Through the Convention Resolutions Process

The Convention Resolution Process is a communications vehicle that can be used to your advantage. Resolutions can be submitted by clubs and should cover any aspect of the organization not already covered in the Bylaws.


The Resolutions Process

  1. Clubs need to submit resolutions by Friday, May 2, 2025, to the Governance/Resolutions Committee.
  2. The Governance/Resolutions Committee will meet during the convention and choose the strongest resolutions to report to convention delegates.
  3. At the convention business session July 2, 2025, the Committee will present these resolutions for debate and vote by the convention delegates. (NOTE: Resolutions endorsed by convention delegates are non-binding and are sent to the International Board of Directors for further consideration and study.)

How to Submit Resolutions

Type resolutions on club stationery and include the Club’s name, number, and president’s signature. All resolutions should be written in standard resolution format: Whereas …, Whereas …, Whereas …, Be it resolved that the Board of Directors of Optimist International is asked to consider….

All resolutions must be received at the International Office by 5 p.m. (CT) Friday, May 2, 2025 (no exceptions). Please submit to: Resolutions Committee, Optimist International, 4494 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108 or email to executiveoffice@optimist.org.

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