BOOK NOW – Michigan District Q4 Convention August 16-17


Friend of Youth

Michigan Monday Zoom Meeting via Zoom

by | Mar 21, 2024 | District News

District Optimists!!


The presidential election isn’t until November, but your club officer elections are coming quick, fast, and in a hurry! Don’t get caught out with no one to fill those important officer roles!


Please be sure to join us this coming Monday, 3/25 from 7pm-8:15pm to talk about:

-planning ahead for club officer elections (don’t wait until MAY)

-developing future leaders for your club and zone for 25-26 and beyond

-mentoring and shadowing/test driving roles

-how does this tie in w/ member retention?


I look forward to seeing you all on Monday!


index.php?gf download=2024%2F03%2FMarch MI Monday Postcard

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