BOOK NOW – Michigan District Q4 Convention August 16-17


Friend of Youth

OptiViews 2023-24 Q1 is Available

by | Oct 13, 2023 | OptiViews

I am honored to be the Governor of the mighty Michigan District; the second largest district in Optimist International. By providing hope and a positive vision, our 2,419 members and 85 clubs bring out the best in youth, our communities, and ourselves. Since August of 2022, I have been working with Optimist International President Tracy Huxley. Regional Vice President Tom Kendo, and international and district leaders to prepare for the 2023-2024 Optimist year. District level success will be measured in growth in clubs and membership, increased member retention and engagement, increased marketing and communication, and increased engagement at District conferences. It will look like thousands of individual Optimists working together to bring out the best in youth, our communities, and ourselves.

Each quarter there will be a theme that challenges us to take optimistic action. How will you and your club lean into the Quarter 1 theme: Activate Optimism. Will you celebrate the accomplishments of your club and members? Will you address member concerns with openness and collaborate on solutions? Will you recognize special moments like birthdays, anniversaries, a promotion, or a retirement? Will you be of support in difficult times? Will you listen to new ideas and be open to trying a new way of doing things? Will you invite people to experience Optimism in action at social and service events.

Each quarter there will be a fun, informative, and engaging gathering of Optimists from across the district. You’ll want to join us Q1 Nov. 10,11 in Bay City, Q2 Feb. 3 on Zoom, Q3 May 4 in Battle Creek, and Q4 Aug. 16-18 in Ann Arbor. Be prepared to be inspired, encouraged, recognized, and connected.

I wish each of you all the best as we begin a new Optimist year. May you find your passion in service to youth and community and may your spirit be filled with hope and the belief in a positive future.

Linda Thompson

Linda Thompson

Michigan District Governor

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