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OptiViews 2023-24 Q2 is Available

by | Jan 2, 2024 | OptiViews

I am honored to be the Governor of the mighty Michigan District; the second largest district in Optimist International. By providing hope and a positive vision, 2,284 members of 74 lower Michigan and 9 Uganda based clubs bring out the best in youth, our communities, and ourselves. Over 90 Michigan District leaders are supported by the Optimist International President Tracy Huxley, Regional Vice President Tom Kendo, Executive Director Cheryl Brenn, International Committee Members, and OI Headquarters Staff.

District level success is measured in Club Growth (Romeo chartering soon) and New Members (Q1-59), Net Member Growth (Q1-32), Retention (Q1-96%), and representation/attendance at District conferences (Q1 Bay City-40 clubs, 90 attendees). Success will look like thousands of individual Optimists working together to bring out the best in youth, our communities, and ourselves.

Each quarter there is a theme that challenges us to take optimistic action. How will you and your club lean into the Quarter 2 theme: Engage in Optimism. Will you connect your club with a community partner activity? Will you enthusiastically support members’ desire to connect in small groups or at different than the usual times? Will you find ways to recognize members’ special life moments? Will you be open to trying a new way of doing things? Will you invite people to experience Optimism in action at social and service events? Will you commit to adding new members?

Each quarter there will be a fun, informative, and engaging gathering of Optimists from across the district. You’ll want to join us Q2 Feb. 3 on Zoom, Q3 May 4 in Battle Creek, and Q4 Aug. 16-18 in Ann Arbor. Be prepared to be inspired, encouraged, recognized, and connected.

I wish each of you all the best as we begin 2024. May you find your passion in service to youth and community and may your spirit be filled with hope and the belief in a positive future.

Engage in Optimism

Linda Thompson

Linda Thompson

Michigan District Governor

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