2Q 20/21 District Conference

First Quarter in the history books, then January was a ‘catch up’ month and BAM! February just came rolling down the pike. Our Assistant and Lieutenant Governors have been super busy so far this Quarter.
- We gathered all over the MI District in 3 outstanding Super Zone meetings with our regional Optimist friends.
- The Asst./Lt Governors meet every single month in their 2nd Thursday night Zoom Room to focus on monthly goals and to celebrate wins!
- The Committee Chairs are all a buzzin’ – that includes Membership, New Club Building, Club Fitness, Essay, Oratorical, Childhood Health and Wellness, Long Range Planning, JOI and Finance.
These are the ‘glue sticks’ that hold our District together and we are grateful for their dedication and efforts.
So, what does this 2nd Quarter mean to you as an Optimist Club member? It’s time to Get Happy as “Happiness” is the International 2nd Quarter theme, as designated by Optimist International President Mark Weinsoff. Optimists are already in the Happy Mode when they live by the Optimist Creed (check out Tenets #2 and #10). All we have to do, is start to ‘Promise Ourselves’ and the good mood starts flowing!
We often allow happiness to bubble up naturally by pursuing activities that dovetail with our values. To zero in on what you hold sacred, ask yourself “What relationships do I want to build? What do I want my life to be about? If this were my last day, how would I act to make it a great one?” As an Optimist, we have multiple opportunities daily to spread Happiness – with friends, family, neighbors and co-workers. I challenge you to find a new way to accomplish this! Let me know what you will do differently this quarter to Spread Happiness!
We will be gathering virtually on Saturday, March 20th to celebrate International Day of Happiness with Optimists all over the world! There will be announcements soon to get you connected to your District and to the organization on that day – mark your calendar and keep the happiness going all month.
Spring is soon preparing to ‘spring’ and with that comes our District Theme – Get Ready, Get Set and GO! Let’s plan now to spring our plan through this quarter and into the next. I am ready, ready, READY – how about you? As Optimists, we can make a difference in the lives of so many children – we just have to do it!
See you on March 20th and hopefully soon, in a Club or District meeting near you!
Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, February 25, 2021 7:15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 970 0429 5292
Passcode: 271959
2nd Quarter Conference
Registration Questions:
• First Name
• Last Name
• Phone
• Club Name (and or Number if you know it)
• 2020-2021 District Position
• Are you a First Timer?
• How many years have you been an Optimist?
• If you served in the Military what branch?
Saturday, March 6, 2021 8:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMlceisrj8rG9CBwfALR9YWUwWes7S_j__5
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.