Friend of Youth
Michigan Optimist News
Register for 3Q 21/22 District Conference
3Q 21/22 District ConferencePlease join fellow optimists at the 3rd Quarter Conference as we Celebrate Success! The May conference is a great time to be with...
OptiViews 2021-22 Q3 is Available
The Michigan District continues to make a positive impact in their communities by providing hope and a positive vision for...
Register for 2Q 21/22 District Conference
2Q 21/22 District ConferenceThe Second Quarter Conference for Michigan District Optimists will be held virtually via Zoom on February 12, 2022 from 9:00 AM -...
Stay Informed and Stay Connected
The Communication/Marketing/Technology Committee is excited to serve you this optimist year! Our goal is to keep you up-to-date and informed on district...
OptiViews 2021-22 Q1 is Available
I try to live the tenants of the Creed daily. Some days it is a struggle, but most days, I am my naturally optimistic,...
Proposed District Policy Changes 2020-2021
Suggested policy revisions are made annually by the District Governance Committee at the third quarter conference to the Executive Committee as an informational item. Suggested policies shall then be published on the District website, at a minimum of 30 days prior to …
OptiViews 2020-21 Q4 is Available
Everyone is talking about it. It’s the first thing we mention when we meet with someone we last saw 15 months ago. It was a...
JOI Michigan District Convention 2021
Dear fellow JOI members, This upcoming weekend, you are invited to share an opportunity to meet and join other Junior Optimist members throughout our JOI...
Michigan District Optimists proudly announces the results of the 2020-21 Essay Scholarship Contest!
Michigan District Optimists proudly announces the results of the 2020-21 Essay Scholarship Contest!1st Place and winner of the $2,500 scholarship: Bowei Li,...
Mad Hatter Challenge 2021
The 3rd Quarter District OIF Challenge to individuals and clubs is to make a donation to theFoundation for $50, $100, $250 or more between April 25th to May...
Walk the Talk for Teen Mental Health 2021
This will be virtual, where you choose your event: 1 mile Walk Run, 5k Walk Run or a 10 mile Bike ride You choose the route and if Covid restrictions permit,...
Kirsten Jordan Receives the 2020 ESD Outstanding Young Engineer of the Year Award
She is an active member of the Civic Optimist Club of Detroit. Pre-COVID-19, Kirsten was a regular volunteer at the Vista Maria Home for Girls and the...