Membership Incentives
Engage your Friends & Family by Helping Them Choose Optimism
The 2020-2021 Optimist year has arrived, and the Michigan District is going to . . . .
Get Ready, Get Set and Go!
Start your club’s Optimist year off on the right foot, right away, by reaching out and engaging your friends and family and encouraging them to “Choose Optimism”. Now, more than ever, the children of our community need us.
Governor Debbie Berry is offering some incentives that are sure to help you reach your goals. Most clubs are still meeting virtually, but I can see from the Club Roster Reports arriving in my mailbox each day, many of you have still been able to recruit new members. We are excited to share the 1Q incentives with you!
The club that recruits the most members receives the following:
- VIP Parking Spot at the front of the virtual or in-person District Meeting for your club!

- An Optimist license plate frame for each of the recruiting sponsors in your club!

- An article in the OptiViews, showcasing your club, welcoming your new members and letting the rest of our district members know you plan to involve the new members of your club going forward!
So, take a minute, call a friend, call a family member and help them choose Optimism.
Remember, the life you change may be your own.
Elaine Lyon
Membership Chair