BOOK NOW – Michigan District Q4 Convention August 16-17


Friend of Youth

OptiViews 2019-20 Q1 is Available

by | Oct 13, 2019 | OptiViews

Welcome to the Optimist 2019-20 year. I am excited to be working with you and believe together we can make a difference in our communities and youth!

This year we will focus on iMagining extraordinary service to all children in the Mighty Michigan District by an Optimist group that cares about them and provides them with a safe and positive image outside their school and family. Our youth need to know we are there for them! Together we can bring out the best in our youth and in ourselves. I hope to see more collaboration among clubs in service projects, more investment in membership retention, more participation in training and education, and more recognition of “Optimists” in this Mighty Mitten. Watch for those “Optimist” car flags around town and sport yours proudly! They will be available soon and no later than our first conference. And when my flag comes to your town, I’ll look forward to meeting all of you and hearing your stories. And I like to participate in club activities all over the Mitten.

Although this year is about WE not the ME, I would like to tell you a little about me. I have sported optimism my entire life, inspired by my supportive family and my spouse of 52 years. I have two adult sons, three grandsons and make regular trips to Colorado to spend time with our youngest grandson. We have an 11-year old golden retriever and live in the “rural” part of Oakland County. As a University of Michigan grad, of course you will see me around in blue and gold but I like to see all of our Michigan universities succeed.

Pam Barckholtz

Pamela Barckholtz

Michigan District Governor

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