BOOK NOW – Michigan District Q4 Convention August 16-17


Friend of Youth

Proposed District Policy Changes 2020-2021

by | Jun 24, 2022 | District News

Proposed District Policy Changes 2021-2022

MI Roundrel

The District is required to adopt a set of operating policies that is authorized by the International Board of Directors, which will cover the items necessary to administer the District. 

Suggested policy revisions are made annually by the District Governance Committee at the third quarter conference to the Executive Committee as an informational item.  Suggested policies shall then be published on the District website, at a minimum of 30 days prior to the fourth quarter District Convention. 

All suggested policy revisions must be approved by the District Delegates at the fourth quarter District Convention to qualify as adoptable.

View and read this year’s suggested policy changes using the button above.

Optimist International Michigan District Governor 20-21 Debra Berry

Dan Mills

Michigan Distrist Governor

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