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Friend of Youth

Maureen Moore Writes in The Optimist

by | Nov 18, 2019 | District News

by Maureen Moore, Optimist Club of St Clair Shores

build a fresh start for Wyatt

In November, 2013, Wyatt Rewoldt suffered “shaken baby syndrome” at the hands of his father’s girlfriend. At just a year old, the devastating abuse left him with hearing, visual, speech, physical, and learning disabilities that will shape his life permanently.
This abuse propelled Wyatt’s mother, Erica Hammel, to advocate for children in a way that her state of Michigan has not seen before. At the same time, Wyatt’s story moved the Optimist Club of St. Clair Shores to break all belief barriers of what is possible, and build a safe haven, a home, for this mother and child to provide stability – an environment to heal, and grow . . . .

Maureen Moore
Optimist Club of St Clair Shores

read full article in
The Optimist
TheOptimist 2019 Fall

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